
did you try to set the encoding in the TeX-file also to utf8?
You can do this by adding the following line to you LaTeX preamble.


Does this help?


2008/1/14, James E. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm new to LaTeX, but not lilypond. I'm using TeXShop, and I'm
> getting some not really desired output.
> \begin{document}
>         \begin{lilypond}
>         \version "2.11.36"
>         \include "deutsch.ly"
>         \header { title = "Beauty—be not caused—It Is—" instrument =
> "Querflöte" }
>         {c'2 fis'4 h'8 a'}
> \end{lilypond}
> \end{document}
> I don't get the umlauts and I don't get the characters after my em
> dashes. I'm assuming that LaTeX doesn't like getting em dashes input,
> but how do I get lilypond to process the em dash inside of LaTeX?
> Same thing for the umlaut?
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