Le 7 janv. 08 à 03:03, Valentin Villenave a écrit :
2008/1/7, Thomas Spuhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
The style sheet also has a lot of strange characters. I think they
are not
correctly stored in the document:
Yes, they are :) It's an advanced susbstitution function, that detects
accented characters and makes sure that LilyPond will handle them
correctly (the code has been written to work even with foreign
Actually they should be normal, accented characters. The two lines are:
#(let ((lower-case-accented-string "éèêëáàâäíìîïóòôöúùûüçœæ")
(upper-case-accented-string "ÉÈÊËÁÀÂÄÍÌÎÏÓÒÔÖÚÙÛÜÇŒÆ"))
(I hope it formats well on this mail: e acute, e agrave, etc)
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