On 05.01.2008 (22:49), Graham Percival wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 09:50:01 -0500
> Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm a professional composer.
> > I use Lilypond (nearly) every day.
> > I don't actively (i.e., visibly) contribute to Lilypond code or  
> > documentation... and may not in the near future, despite attempts to  
> > guilt me into doing so.  ;-)
> You know my instant hostile reaction to anybody making demands of
> lilypond volunteers.  And I am quite aware that I'm being
> hypocritical in trying to guilt advanced users into contributing
> to the docs.
> So it is with the greatest of reluctance that I continue such
> attempts.
> We currently have *zero* active helpers in GDP who are working on
> the contents of the docs. 

Ehem... unless with "currently" you mean "at this very moment", we do have
one, although too pressed for time at this very moment (lasting until the
middle of the month) to be as active as desirable. But *zero*? No.


  He has gone from Alia, 
  The womb of heaven! 
  Holy, holy, holy! 
  Fire-sand leagues 
  Confront our Lord. 
  He can see 
  Without eyes!
  A demon upon him! 
  Holy, holy, holy 
  He solved for 
    -- The Moon Falls Down Songs of Muad'dib

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