Hi Graham,

Firstly, I wanted to add my voice to the chorus of "Thanks!" for all the work you've done -- Lilypond will miss you. =)

But secondly, I wanted to comment on the following:

I'm spend all my time writing music, so I don't have time!
This is my favorite excuse for not getting involved... and by
"favorite", I mean "makes me grind my teeth".  If you're a
professional composer and use lilypond every day, then IMO you
should be the _most_ involved, not the least.  I mean, if the
heaviest users don't contribute to the project, then who else should?

I'm not saying there *aren't* people out there -- including working composers -- who could help more than they do. Nor am I arguing the fact that many people get more out of Lilypond -- and the work of people like you and the coding team -- than they put in.

However, I *DO* object to the generalized implication that "professional composers" who "use Lilypond every day" should be "the _most_ [visibly] involved [in documentation and coding efforts]" or else they're "not getting involved".

I'm a professional composer.
I use Lilypond (nearly) every day.
I don't actively (i.e., visibly) contribute to Lilypond code or documentation... and may not in the near future, despite attempts to guilt me into doing so. ;-)

Does that mean I'm "not getting involved" and "don't contribute to the project"?

1. I do more Lilypond "advertising" (i.e., providing positive exposure) than anyone else I know. I am constantly putting *REAL* Lilypond scores in front of *REAL* working musicians and composers/ arrangers. On those rare occasions when I don't get unsolicited comments about the quality of the output, I make a point of telling anyone who will listen -- and many who won't -- about the benefits of Lilypond. The colophon of every published score explicitly mentions Lilypond and points to the website. Once I get my own website up and running (sometime this month), it will also have Lilypond kudos and links.

2. As a result of my being one of "the heaviest users" of Lilypond, I am constantly running into REAL-WORLD engraving problems, the kind that rarely come up in an "ivory-tower" (i.e., code and docs) situation. Not only does that mean I help push Lilypond to be a better program (by finding bugs and feature-holes), but it means that when another user in the 'Pond runs into similar issues, there's a good chance that I've got a solution or workaround to offer. And -- as you probably are aware -- I constantly monitor the list, and contribute said solutions and workarounds when I can.

And finally,

3. I have personally put forward my own hard-earned dollars (well... Euros) to sponsor features that make Lilypond better. I continue to post sponsorship offers, though, for the record, nobody has taken me up on those offers recently. Ironically, I will soon have paid more *ACTUAL MONEY* for my use of the "free, open-source" Lilypond than I ever did for the "proprietary, commercial" Finale with all its annual upgrade fees!

So... if I make you grind your teeth, all I can say is "4 out of 5 dentists recommend Trident". =)

Best regards,

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