2007/12/11, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Lilypond's partcombine comes quite close tho these guidelines, but in a few
> (but important) cases, it does not, most notably in the last case (where
> lilypond detects a "solo" also if one instrument is quiet for only one
> quarter!)

Lily's part combine works for a lot of cases but is very fragile, as
it has no notion of note (or rest length); it only looks at onset
times of notes.

I think there is little else to do but writing new code. Since you're
versed with coding C++, it might be something that interests you, and
I would be glad to guide you. Unfortunately, I don't have any time to
take this on myself.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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