Am Tuesday, 11. December 2007 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
> Right! The only real reason to use \partcombine (which is
> well-known to be partly broken and inflexible) is if you want
> to be able to typeset several versions of the same music,
> some with the parts on separate staves and some with the
> parts combined into a single stave. 

Yes, I forgot to mention this: As this is part of a huge score (full score is 
about 100 pages long!), where I try to prepare professional orchestra 
material for a public choir performance (and also for later public 
distribution of the scores!), I need the two parts also on separate staves 
(and in completely separate scores for the instrument 1 and the instrument 

In this case, temporary voices won't work, because then I no longer have both 
instruments separately. 

The other thing that I have tried is simply putting both instruments on the 
same staff as different voices. This, however, has other problems:
1) notes of the same length are not combined into a chord, 
2) stem directions have to be fixed with \voiceOne / \voiceTwo, 
3) When both instruments have a rest, two rests are printed in strange 

> Also, I hope you know you can get surprisingly far by just
> combining to parallel lines of music in one and the same Voice
> context:

Yes, I'm aware of this, but this does not use proper stem up/down directions, 
plus it completely breaks when the two instruments have a slightly different 
rhythm, i.e. when instrument 1 has a quarter and instrument 2 has two eights.

So, I'm basically back to my original question: It is possible to force 
\partcombine not to discard any explicit rests, that are in parallel to a 

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",

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