Kieren MacMillan wrote on 10 December 2007 14:28 > > However, it did give me a brainstorm that might > be helpful: is there > a way to wrap (by default) every dynamic in a > white outline? That > way, the font outline would mask out the barline > immediately around > the f (or whatever the dynamic is), as I've often > seen in hand- > engraved scores. > Well, there is, although I didn't know it until I went looking! You have to change the dynamic into a markup to do it, but it does seem to allow the printing of dynamics across barlines in a way that looks good. The key command is \whiteout. Try this:
\version "2.11.34" \paper { ragged-right = ##t } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = RH { \clef "treble" \relative c'' { c1 c4_\markup \center-align {\whiteout \dynamic ffff} c c c } } \new Staff = LH { \clef "bass" \relative c { c1 c1 } } >> > Best wishes, > Kieren. > Trevor D _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list