Hi Till

Here's a clue that might help:

        % Reduce notes and staff
        fontSize = #-2
        \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2)

This reduces the size of the notes and the distance between the staff lines to 
match the reduced note size.

Change the two -2s to suit your needs, but keep them the same value.

Trevor D

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Till Rettig
Sent: 01 December 2007 16:29
To: lilypond-user Mailinglist
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Help on changing staff sizes

I need some help about changing the distance of staff lines: 

in NR 5.2.1 it says 

"The context property fontSize and the layout property staff-space (in 
StaffSymbol) can be used to tune the size for individual staves. The sizes of 
individual staves are relative to the global size."


"Known issues and warnings: layout-set-staff-size does not change the distance 
between the staff lines."

If I click on the link to the StaffSymbol documentation, there is no 
staff-space property mentioned, well, it seems to be hidden in this y-extent, 
which is then explained by x-extent. But x-extent is missing. I would really 
much like to know the numbers that are used for the default so I can 
increase/decrease them accordingly.

Why is the lyout-set-staff-size by the way changing only font size, while 
global-layout-set-staff-size works correctly?



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