Hi everybody,

I'm typesetting a Brahms exercise for my pupils, using \autochange (it
would be quite annoying to have to do the staff changes manually).

But I do have a problem with the Fingerings. Not only do they *not*
follow the notes (particularly the left hand), but they also mess up
the beams. I tried to put the Fingering_engraver everywhere I could
(well, almost) but I can't find any solution. Removing the engraver
from its Voice context and putting it the PianoStaff context does give
something less ugly, but it only works for the right hand fingerings.

I've been trying to solve it for a dozen days now, so I'm just about
to give up and let my pupils put whatever fingers they want. But if
anyone happens to have an idea, it would be great.

Thank you everybody; here's the snippet:

\include "italiano.ly"
droiteDoigts = {
  s16-2 s-1 s-2 s-3 s-4 s-1 s-2 s-3 s-4 s-1 s-2 s-3
  s-4 s-5 s-4 s-3 s-2 s-1 s-4 s-3 s-2 s-1 s-4 s-3 s-2 s-1}
droiteB = \autochange \relative {
  \time 3/4
    re, do mi sol si do mi sol si do mi sol
    si do la fa re do la fa re do la fa
    reb do
gaucheDoigts = {
  s16-4 s-5 s-4 s-3 s-2 s-1 s-4 s-3 s-2 s-1 s-4 s-3
  s-2 s-1 s-2 s-3 s-4 s-1 s-2 s-3 s-4 s-1 s-2 s-3 s-4 s-5 }
gaucheB = { \clef bass
\autochange \relative {
  \time 3/4
    re,,16 do mi sol si do mi sol si do mi sol
    si do la fa re do la fa re do la fa
    reb do
\score {
  \new PianoStaff {
  \context Staff="up" \new Voice = "droite" { \droiteB }
  \context Staff="down" \new Voice = "gauche"  { \gaucheB }
      \context Voice="droite" {  \override Voice.Fingering #'direction = #up
      \droiteDoigts      }
    \context Voice ="gauche" { \override Voice.Fingering #'direction = #down
  \gaucheDoigts   }
  >> }



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