Ed Ardzinski wrote:
I've only recently working with \lyricmode (and with a very old
version) but seems that I get around that by using the capital R rests...
R1 * 8
I'm afraid this your answer isn't very useful. As an experienced user, I
can guess
that what you really mean is that you attach the lyrics to a Voice that
begins with
rests (you could just as well have used s1*8 if you don't want the rests
i.e. if you don't have a separate stave for the melody).
Here, it seems that he wants the intro and the melody in the same stave and
if you then want to fiddle with several Voice contexts in the same
stave, you
could just as well use the method described in "Divisi lyrics" in the manual
(the second example in that section).
> Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 17:46:08 +0100
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: No lyrics for first 8 bars
> There are - at least - two ways.
> The quick and dirty one is to substitute the _ _ _ by \repeat unfold
> 20 { \skip 1 }
> (where 20 should be the number of notes).
> The more elegant way can be found here:
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-03/msg00190.html
> (I myself always use the first way :-/)
> Dominic
> 2007/10/28, sjha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Hopefully a simple question...I have a jazz lead sheet with
melody, chords
> > and lyrics. However the first 8 bars are an introduction without
lyrics. The
> > only way I have managed to achieve this is in \lyricmode is by
counting the
> > number of notes and inserting the same number of underscores (_ _
_ etc).
> > This seems very inelegant. Is there not a better way of
instructing the
> > lyrics to start only at bar 9?
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