I've only recently working with \lyricmode (and with a very old version) but 
seems that I get around that by using the capital R rests...
R1 * 8

> Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 17:46:08 +0100> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> lilypond-user@gnu.org> Subject: Re: No lyrics for first 8 bars> > There are - 
> at least - two ways.> > The quick and dirty one is to substitute the _ _ _ by 
> \repeat unfold> 20 { \skip 1 }> (where 20 should be the number of notes).> > 
> The more elegant way can be found here:> 
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-03/msg00190.html> > (I 
> myself always use the first way :-/)> > > Dominic> > > 2007/10/28, sjha 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:> >> > Hopefully a simple question...I have a jazz lead 
> sheet with melody, chords> > and lyrics. However the first 8 bars are an 
> introduction without lyrics. The> > only way I have managed to achieve this 
> is in \lyricmode is by counting the> > number of notes and inserting the same 
> number of underscores (_ _ _ etc).> > This seems very inelegant. Is there not 
> a better way of instructing the> > lyrics to start only at bar 9?> > > 
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