Hi, I still have problems with collisions. Sometimes the stanza numbers collide with the text before it. I´ve created a minimal example:
%%%%%%%%%% START %%%%%%%% \version "2.10.33" refrain = \lyricmode { Test test test test. } verseOne = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. " Testi tes -- ter test testets. } \score { { << \relative c' { \key c \major \time 4/4 e8 a f g~ g2 | r8 a e f g4 c | e,8 e f g~ g2 | e8 e f g~ g4 g | e8 e f g~ g4 g \bar "|." } \addlyrics { \refrain \verseOne } >> } } %%%%%%%% END %%%% You can see the output in the attached file. Is there a way to let lilypond leave some space between the words? The only workaround I found until now was to do a line break there. That is often okay, but not optimal. And sometimes it sucks, because I cannot find a way to solve it. Is this a known bug? Dominic
<<attachment: stanza-number-collision.png>>
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