
look at the following lilypond-file:

%%%%%% START %%%%%%

\version "2.10.33"

\score {
        \relative c' {
            \key c \major
            \time 4/4

            f4 f f f | g g g g | a e cis e | \break
            d d fis d | e e e e | gis e gis e |

\markup {
    this is an important markup block

%%%%%% END %%%%%%%

When I run this through lilypond, the result is the attachment called
"lilypond.png", but if I put this lilypond file into a LaTeX template
and run lilypond-book, the first system of the page is replaced by the
\markup output (see "lilypond-book-1.png" and "lilypond-book-2.png"
and "lilypond-book-3.png").

In this example there are also very strange page breaks before each system.
In my songbooks, these pagebreaks do not occur, but the replacement of
the first system does and that´s very strange.

Is this a known bug? Do you know a workaround?


PS: The LyTeX code is:





<<attachment: lilypond.png>>

<<attachment: lilypond-book-1.png>>

<<attachment: lilypond-book-2.png>>

<<attachment: lilypond-book-3.png>>

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