Trevor Bača wrote:
Something like this? These are the closing measures of the first
movement of the Ravel sonatine.
Other than the things you mentioned, looks great. See it in action here:
One note: click on the image, and see the source. All the headwords
will have the same \paper{} section; you simply create great stuff in
the "ly snippet" section. This way you should be able to see exactly
what the doc output will look like.
If you'd rather have the headwords with slightly different
specifications (larger font, slightly changed line-widths), that's
possible... but I'd like every headword to have the same specs.
Don't miss the #(set-global-staff-size) -- that should be placed inside
the cut-&-paste section. I'll file a bug report about that.
One concern: is Ravel mutopia-worthy? How long has he been dead? I
hate to ask, but... :(
2. Is there a way to set slur attachment points to *end-of-stem*
rather than notehead? The two-note chordal slurs would look better
that way. If it's intensely manual I don't wanna mess with it; but if
there's a smart way to make that specification, then cool.
IIRC this feature was removed in 1.6 or so (because it wasn't a smart
way :) and was never re-implemented (in a smart way).
- Graham
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