2007/9/14, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Err... why?  What's the difference between looking at a list of markup
> commands in section 8.1.8 or 1.8.3 or Appendix M ?

There's none. Appendix aren't meant to contain daily vital stuff, that's all :)

> I mean, yes, we plan on improving all sections of the manual, but why
> single out the list of markup commands?

I was mostly thinking out loud: "Oh; I musn't forget to write at last
decent documentation for all these commands that have been making me
tear my hair out for months..."

Btw: every notation software I've ever outthere used uses staff/staves.

As for the US/UK debates, Ian raised something about bars/measures on
http://lilypondwiki.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Talk:Doc maybe you
guys could go arguing there as well ;)


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