Mats Bengtsson wrote:
- You have a much better feeling for the English language than I do, but
do you think that we should keep the current mixture of "staff" and
to denote the same thing, for example in the subsection titles within
"Staff notation"?
No; we should use "staff" and "staves". One of the instructions for the
Trivial/Easy will be to fix any such mistakes.
I think I wrote "when dealing with multiple @internalsref{Staff}s, you
can...", but such phrases should be rephrased to "multiple @{Staff}
- How about adding some section like "Other typesetting features", which
contain things that don't really fit in anywhere else, like the four I
mentioned above.
I've expanded the Education section to include all of these things. I'm
not wild about the name "Education", but I think all these items work
well inside that section (whatever we name the section).
- Again, I might not have the right intuition for English language, but
how about
replacing "Text in a score" with something along the lines of "Textual
I would also move "New dynamic marks" from 1.17.2 to 1.17.1.
To match other subsection titles, I called it "Writing text".
- Why doesn't Text markup commands belong under 1.17.2 Text markup?
As Valentin said; the markup commands are even more of a reference.
Hmm... actually, what about moving these into an Appendix?
- Graham
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