Ed Ravin wrote:
On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 10:26:00PM -0700, Mark Dewey wrote:
Anyway, just a musical question:
Is it wrong to just use r2. [in 3/4 time] instead of a full measure rest?
In my case, this is the first measure of the piece.
I'm also interested in the answer to this question. None of the 3/4 time
scores I've looked at in my (admittedly limited) musical experience use
dotted half-rests ("r2." in LilyPond) for a full measure rest. Instead,
they all use whole rests ("r1" in Lilypond).
There really is no mysetery here. r2. gives you a dotted half-note
rest. In 3/4 time, R2. gives you a full-measure rest. Use whichever
type of rest you want to see in your score.
Please note that there is a difference between 4 beats of rest (r1) and
a whole-measure rest ( R +beats_in_your_bar )
- Graham
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