You can move the rest manually with \notemode (see manual):
\notemode {c''2. \rest}
or with
\once \override Rest #'staff-position = #1 r2.
\once \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #1 r2.
for the whole \new Staff (or whatever) you can:
\revert Rest #'direction
\revert MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position
I've learned all that recently and also that:
"Rests and multi-measure rests are different objects. For general
information about this, see chapters 3-5 and 10. You may also want
to look at the doc pages for rest (somehwere in ch 6) and multi-
measure rest (ch 8)."
hope that helps,
Am 02.09.2007 um 07:26 schrieb Mark Dewey:
I've been trying to figure out how to either manually position full
measure rests, or to have them all go in a certain position. I'm
using 3/4 time.
With normal rests, I can do b'2.\rest or put \override Rest
#'direction = #'0 in the code above.
I can do R2. but the position is too high, due to how I've got the
voices set up.
How might one do this?
Anyway, just a musical question:
Is it wrong to just use r2. instead of a full measure rest? In my
case, this is the first measure of the piece.
Thank you for the help.
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