Maybe this could be added to the LSR;
I said "perfect solution" in my last message but i go on with some tests and
now i wonder ...
1- If we simply transpose an octave higher our last exemple, the output
still is perfect but we have an error message.
(in french for me so i cannot tell you the exact translation)
\version "2.10.25"
\new Staff {
\acciaccatura b''8
\once \override NoteHead #'X-extent = #'(0.0 . 0.0)
\hideNotes c'''4 \unHideNotes
< e'' g'' c'''>4
\acciaccatura b''8 c'''4
2- what is the best in this case ?:
<< {...} {...} >> or << {...}\\ {...} >>
The output seems the same ....
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