Thanks, Tao, but that's the Chord Name Chart I just mentioned. A longer chart 
is here:

However, this chart is misleading. Take the case below.

   \new ChordNames {
             \set chordChanges = ##t
             \chordmode {  a2:m7 b:9 c:dim7 d:13  }
  \new Voice = "one" { \autoBeamOff
    \relative c' { \key c \major  \time 4/4  a2 b c d }

Notice that Am7, B9 and Cdim7 come out fine, but D13 appears as D9/add13. What 
to do for A7b9? If you follow the Chord Chart and input "a:7/b9", you get an 
error message calling it "spurious garbage following chord".

There should be a list somewhere, like:

a:min7 > Am7
a:aug > A+
??? > A7b9

LilyPond's chord name system seems OK up to a point, and I'd like to give it a 
try first, though it could do with further polishing.
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