At the LSR there is a list.

I for myself don't like LilyPonds chordsymbols that's why I use a chord symbol 

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:33:58 -0300
Von: "PabloZum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re:jazz chords in LilyPond

> Thank you, Carl and Tao. I'll try both ideas.
> I've found that LilyPond *can* print many jazzy chord names after all,
> though some of  them look a little unwieldy.
> The Chord Name Chart in the LilyPond Manual lists the resulting printed
> view of the chord names but it does not list the actual words we must input
> to get those names. For instance, I know that "f:min7" outputs as "Fm7" and
> "c:aug" outputs as "C+"; but what must the input be to get the output
> "C13". If I input "c:13", I get "C9/add13" which is a handful. What must be 
> the
> input to print something like, say, A7#9b13?
> Is there such a list?

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