tabster wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> to let LilyPond treat more syllables as one, easily encloses these in "
> ... "
> On my (2.10.20) system the file compiles, but doesn´t show the cross
> character. I would copy the character itself into the source code and
> enclose it in "..." together with the O like "+ O".
I tried "+ O" but it did not work. The problem is the "+" character is a
unicode character U+2720, and if you enclose the UTF-8 escape code inside
the quote you just get the escape text. My code was
\addlyrics{ \markup \char ##x2720 O Lord o -- pen thou our lips}
% this did not work
"markup \char ##x2720 O" Lord o -- pen thou our lips
On another matter, it is interesting that you mentioned that the cross
character did not show up in your version 2.10.20. It did not show up for
version 2.11.26 either. I wonder what's up with that? Anyone here know?
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