Hi Peter,

to let LilyPond treat more syllables as one, easily encloses these in " ... "

On my (2.10.20) system the file compiles, but doesn´t show the cross
character. I would copy the character itself into the source code and
enclose it in "..." together with the O like "+ O".

I don´t see what the markup command within \addlyrics is for ... do you know it?

For italicizing the word "Officiant" I tried to put this before the
\set ... command:

\override VocalName #'font-shape = #'italic

But it didn´t work. If you say LyricText instead of VocalName it
works, but that´s not what you wanted.

In addition I would advise you to indent you LilyPond code for a
better reading experience, like this:

\version "2.10.20"

\new Staff{
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
   \key g \major
   e'8 g'4 g'8 g'8 fis'8 g'8 g'4
   \bar "|"

\addlyrics {
   % Doesn´t work:
   \override VocalName #'font-shape = #'italic
   \set vocalName = "Officiant"
   "+ O" Lord, o -- pen thou our lips.

2007/7/18, peterwinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am new to Lilypond and need to typeset some simple music with lyrics.  So
this is what I have


What I need to do now is to italicize the word "Officiant" and get Lilypond
to treat the cross character and the letter "O" as one syllable.  Any help
is appreciated.  The Lilypond code is as follows.  I am running Lilypond
version 2.10.25

http://www.nabble.com/file/p11674032/matins1_a.ly matins1_a.ly

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