Romel wrote:
> I liked the idea of a segue so much, that I decided that I 
> should write a custom markup command for it:
> #(define-markup-command (segue layout props tosong)
>     (string?)
>     (interpret-markup layout props
>         (markup #:small #:column "segue to" #:italic tosong)
>     )
> )
> The usage (as I extrapolated from the "character" and 
> "smallCaps" examples in the documentation) would be something like
> c1_\segue #"Something Else"

Your usage is not quite correct.  As you can see in the "character"
example, the proper usage is 

c1_\markup \segue #"Something Else" 

That is, you need to keep the \markup keyword in there.

There is also a second problem, which is a Scheme problem that you might
be able to guess from the error message, once you get the call right.

#:column needs a list of arguments, rather than a single argument.
Therefore you need to change your code ever so slightly, to

#(define-markup-command (segue layout props tosong)
    (interpret-markup layout props
        (markup #:small #:column ("segue to"  #:italic tosong))

Please notice the added parentheses before "segue to" and after tosong.

When this markup function is used with the following lilypond code, it

\score {
c'1_\markup \segue #"Something Else"

I hope this has been helpful.

Carl Sorensen

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