Hi! I am searching how to convert *.mid to ly. (mainly from tobis-notenarchiv.de I wrote already about, but I dont still have a working solution.
It seems to me that mid and midi very different file-formats are. See in PS. With > midi2ly file.midi (from mutopia) ... works fine but not with midi2ly file.mid. (from tobis-notenarch...) I get then a not usable file.ly (I got these 2 files of the same choral from bach in mid and midi for test) I tried/searched till now: - First way: convert mid2midi then midi2ly (look for differences in PS) I found a script mid2midi*, but unfortunately it is a matlab script, so I cant use it. Matlab doesnt seems to have much contact with private persons... - Second way: open file.mid with noteedit then export as lilypond and purify the .ly file!!!... Very heavy. Not practicable for the many files I have to handle. But if there is no other solution... - Third and best way, but how? mid2ly I found an advice in sourceforge.jp** that there was either a mid2ly and a midi2ly. Is that true? How to convert from mid? Unfortunately, I cant understand Japanese... - ThirdA: it would be helpful, of course, to have a cap2ly, but it seems to be a difficult topic ;-) or is it not? Of course, I want to convert pieces that do only in this .mid format exist. For BWV734, I dont need that anymore ;-) That it for now. I hope my english is human readable ;-) Thanks Francois still using 2.10.25 * neural.cs.nthu.edu.tw/jang/matlab/toolbox/CBMR/mid2midi.m ** http://mytexpert.sourceforge.jp/index.php?LilyPond (was lilypond 2.6.5) PS a M I D - File Beginning of BWV734.mid (from tobis-notenarchiv.de/bach/09-Orgelwerke/19-Choralbearbeitungen/index.htm) MThd �Trk Q 6 X Y / MTrk c unbenannt � PPCd:Cd Bd:Bd Cd:Cd Ed:Ed Gd:Gd Jd:Jd Hd:Hd Gd:Gd Ed:Ed Cd:Cd Ed:Ed Gd:Gd Hd:Hd Ld:Ld Jd:Jd Hd:Hd Gd:Gd Ed:Ed Gd:Gd Hd:Hd Jd:Jd Od:Od Nd:Nd Ld:Ld Jd:Jd Hd:Hd Gd:Gd Ed:Ed Gd:Gd Hd:Hd Gd:Gd Ed:Ed Cd:Cd Bd:Bd Cd:Cd Ed:Ed Gd:Gd Cd:Cd Ed:Ed Gd:Gd Hd:Hd Jd:Jd Ld:Ld Nd:Nd Od:Od Gd:Gd Ed:Ed Cd:Cd Jd:Jd Id:Id Jd:Jd Ld:Ld Ld:Ld Qd:Qd Od:Od Nd:Nd Ld:Ld Kd:Kd Ld:Ld Nd:Nd Od:Od Sd:Sd Qd:Qd Od:Od Td:Td Nd:Nd Od:Od Sd:Sd Ld:Ld Qd:Qd Od:Od Nd:Nd Ld:Ld Jd:Jd Ld:Ld Od:Od Ld:Ld Od:Od Nd:Nd Ld:Ld Jd:Jd Hd:Hd Gd:Gd Ed:Ed Cd:Cd Ed:Ed Gd:Gd Hd:Hd Jd:Jd Hd:Hd Jd:Jd Ld:Ld Md:Md Qd:Qd Od:Od Md:Md Ld:Ld Jd:Jd Ld:Ld Nd:Nd Od:Od Sd:Sd Qd:Qd Od:Od Nd:Nd Ld:Ld Nd:Nd Od:Od Qd:Qd Jd:Jd Id:Id Gd:Gd Ed:Ed Cd:Cd Bd:Bd @d:@d Bd:Bd Cd:Cd Bd:Bd @d:@d >d:>d =d:=d >d:>d a M I D I - File Beginning of BWV734.midi (from mutopia) MThd MTrk 'Creator: GNU LilyPond 2.8.1 :Generated automatically by: GNU LilyPond 2.8.1 <at Sun Apr 2 20:40:17 2006 <at Sun Apr 2 20:40:17 2006 Track 0 / MTrk � right Q W � pan flute C Y X `C@ B`B@ C`C@ E`E@ G`G@ J`J@ H`H@ G`G@ E`E@ C`C@ E`E@ G`G@ H`H@ L`L@ J`J@ H`H@ G`G@ E`E@ G`G@ H`H@ J`J@ O`O@ N`N@ L`L@ J`J@ H`H@ G`G@ E`E@ G`G@ H`H@ G`G@ E`E@ C`C@ B`B@ C`C@ E`E@ G`G@ C`C@ E`E@ G`G@ H`H@ J`J@ L`L@ N`N@ O`O@ G`G@ E`E@ C`C@ J`J@ I`I@ J`J@ L`L@ N`N@ Q`Q@ O`O@ N`N@ L`L@ K`K@ L`L@ N`N@ O`O@ S`S@ Q`Q@ O`O@ T`T@ N`N@ O`O@ S`S@ L`L@ Q`Q@ O`O@ N`N@ L`L@ J`J@ L`L@ O`O@ N`N@ O`O@ N`N@ L`L@ J`J@ H`H@ G`G@ E`E@ C`C@ E`E@ G`G@ H`H@ J`J@ H`H@ J`J@ L`L@ M`M@ Q`Q@ O`O@ M`M@ L`L@ J`J@ L`L@ N`N@ O`O@ S`S@ Q`Q@ O`O@ N`N@ L`L@ N`N@ O`O@ Q`Q@ J`J@ I`I@ G`G@ E`E@ C`C@ B`B@ @`@@ B`B@ C`C@ B`B@ @`@@ >`>@ =`=@ >`>@ @`@@ B`B@ >`>@ @`@@ B`B@ a M I D 2 L Y - File BWV743.ly as converted from file.mid to ly using midi2ly % Lily was here -- automatically converted by /usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/midi2ly from BWV_0734.mid \version "2.10.10" trackAchannelA = { \tempo 4 = 70 \time 4/4 \key g \major } trackA = << \context Voice = channelA \trackAchannelA >> trackBchannelA = \relative c { % [SEQUENCE_TRACK_NAME] unbenannt s2. g''4*58/240 s4*2/240 fis4*58/240 s4*2/240 g4*58/240 s4*2/240 a4*58/240 s4*2/240 | % 2 b4*58/240 s4*2/240 d4*58/240 s4*2/240 c4*58/240 s4*2/240 b4*58/240 s4*2/240 a4*58/240 s4*2/240 g4*58/240 s4*2/240 a4*58/240 s4*2/240 b4*58/240 s4*2/240 c4*58/240 s4*2/240 e4*58/240 s4*2/240 d4*58/240 s4*2/240 c4*58/240 s4*2/240 b4*58/240 s4*2/240 a4*58/240 s4*2/240 b4*58/240 s4*2/240 c4*58/240 s4*2/240 | % lot of stuff deleted ... trackD = << \clef bass \context Voice = channelA \trackDchannelA \context Voice = channelB \trackDchannelB >> \score { << \context Staff=trackB \trackB \context Staff=trackC \trackC \context Staff=trackD \trackD >> } %%% I dont want to comment that. I think it is possible to write a script to %%% make something of it. But the reference value (quantize-value?) is in %%% every file different and and and a M I D I 2 L Y - File, from noteedit BWV734.ly (imported and exported from .mid through noteedit (who says: done, but there are problems: Noteedit hat die Partitur nach LilyPond exportiert. Aber es gibt einige Probleme, die ein erfolgreiches Arbeiten von LilyPond verhindert. ----------------------------------------------------- Zeile 1; Takt 1 hat 0: 128tel; es sollten aber 128 sein Zeile 1; Takt 1 hat 0: 128tel; es sollten aber 128 sein Zeile 1; Takt 1 hat 0: 128tel; es sollten aber 128 sein Zeile 1; Takt 1 hat 0: 128tel; es sollten aber 128 sein etc etc etc Dont laugh !-) using afterward the convert-ly doesnt really helps %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % LilyPond output generated by % % "noteedit" % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version "2.0" #(set-global-staff-size 16) #(define flat '((raise . 0.2) (font-relative-size . -1) (music (named "accidentals--1")))) #(define sharp '((raise . 0.4) (font-relative-size . -1) (music (named "accidentals-1")))) #(define note '(columns (music "noteheads-2" ((kern . -0.1) )))) #(define quarter-head `(columns ,note ((kern . -0.1) ))) StaffA = \notes\relative c' { \clef violin \key g \major \time 4/4 r2.^#`(columns , quarter-head " = 70") g'16 fis g a b d c b a g a b c e d c b a b c d g fis e d c b a b c b a g fis g a b g a b c d e fis g b, a g d' cis d e e a g fis e dis e fis g b a g c fis, g b e, a g fis e d e g e g fis e d c b a g a b c d c d e f a g f e d e fis g b a g fis e fis g a d, cis b a g fis e fis g fis e d cis d e fis d e fis g a b c d e d c b a b c d g fis e d c b a g a b c d c d e f a g f e dis e fis g b a g a g fis e d a' g fis g fis e d e f e d e d c b c e d c d c b a b c b a b a g fis g a g fis g f e d e f e d e d c b c e d c d c b a b g a b c d e fis g d e fis g fis g a b d c b a g a b c e d c b a b c d g fis e d c b a b c b a g fis g a b g a b c d e fis g b, a g d' cis d e e a g fis e dis e fis g b a g c fis, g b e, a g fis e d e g e g fis e d c b a g a b c d c d e f a g f e % lot of stuff deleted \score { \simultaneous { \set Score.skipBars = ##t \context Staff="StaffA" \StaffA \context Staff="StaffB" \StaffB \context Staff="StaffC" \StaffC } \paper { linewidth = 170.000 \mm textheight = 250.000 \mm } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user