Steve Schow wrote:
If you mean this is the answer:
"When skipBars is set, the result will look OK, but the bar numbering will be
I already found that out from reading the manual, but I am trying to figure out a work-around. Also, what about the notion of the part sheets showing mm rests while the conductor score just shows empty measures?
Transparent rests in the score is easy. Add:
\layout {
\context {
\override MultiMeasureRest #'transparent = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRestNumber #'transparent = ##t
\override MultiMeasureRestText #'transparent = ##t
to your Score block for the musical score and make sure it's not in the
Score block for the parts. It may be a little extreme in some cases (if
all your MMRs are single measures in the score, for instance, the last
two aren't needed), but it should do the trick. YMMV
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