Le mardi 12 juin 2007 à 13:48 +0100, Mark Knoop a écrit : > Marco wrote: [snip] > > I'm a Ubuntu user and I'm not very able working in the command line: > > for example what is gconf and what have I to do (and where: command line, > > emacs, elsewhere....?), > > what is the logfile I have to uncomment? > > what have I to do with the code you have written (<gconfschemafile>) and > > the file you attached ? > > OK, firstly I'll describe the two files in a bit more detail. The first > is an XML file (your email client may just display it in the message, > not as an attachment). Save it somewhere (on your desktop will be fine) > as '/home/<username>/textedit-url-handler.schemas' where <username> is > your linux username. > > The second file is a Bash shell script which accepts the point-and-click > url from Evince and turns it into a form that is usable by a text editor > - in my case gvim. Save this file as > '/home/<username>/bin/textedit_url.sh'. You may need to create the 'bin' > directory. > > Then open a terminal (command-line) and enter the command: > > gconftool-2 --install-schema-file=~/textedit-url-handler.schemas > > Then open the Bash script for editing in emacs. The # character > designates comments in bash - lines starting with # are ignored. Remove > the # from the start of the lines which include the word 'logfile', i.e. > lines 7, 8, 26, 52. Then go to line 47 - comment out (i.e. insert a # at > the beginning of) the next three lines: > > #KEYS="<Esc>:${LINENUM}<Return>${STARTPOS}|" > #gvim --remote $FILENAME > #gvim --remote-send $KEYS > > and add this line: > > emacsclient --no-wait +${LINENUM}:${STARTPOS} $FILENAME > > Save the file. In your terminal window, enter the following: > > touch ~/textedit_url.log > tail -f ~/textedit_url.log > > Then open a lilypond pdf in evince, and try clicking on one of the > notes. There should be some output in the terminal window which is > logging the script, and hopefully emacs should open. Let us know how you go.
Hi Mark, Thanks for your script and GConf schema! I've tested it and I have some comments. First, textedit_url.sh is actually started only if I remove '~/bin/' from the command in the schema (of course, ~/bin is in my PATH). Maybe lda expansion is not performed here? On my Fedora 7 box with Gnome 2.18, Evince (or Gnome) doesn't convert colons to '%3A' in URLs, so textedit_url.sh should be modified a little. Here's attached the .sh script which works for me. I've modified it to use Emacs. The most straightforward way to start Emacs as a server is emacs -f server-start [YOURFILE.ly] Cheers -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Description: application/shellscript
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