Marco wrote: > I thank you for your help, but I'm not so expert to do all what you said...
Hi Marco, Firstly, make sure you keep replying to the list - other people may have ideas to help you, and others may be helped by this thread. Secondly, please don't top-post. A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail? More below... > I'm a Ubuntu user and I'm not very able working in the command line: > for example what is gconf and what have I to do (and where: command line, > emacs, elsewhere....?), > what is the logfile I have to uncomment? > what have I to do with the code you have written (<gconfschemafile>) and > the file you attached ? OK, firstly I'll describe the two files in a bit more detail. The first is an XML file (your email client may just display it in the message, not as an attachment). Save it somewhere (on your desktop will be fine) as '/home/<username>/textedit-url-handler.schemas' where <username> is your linux username. The second file is a Bash shell script which accepts the point-and-click url from Evince and turns it into a form that is usable by a text editor - in my case gvim. Save this file as '/home/<username>/bin/'. You may need to create the 'bin' directory. Then open a terminal (command-line) and enter the command: gconftool-2 --install-schema-file=~/textedit-url-handler.schemas Then open the Bash script for editing in emacs. The # character designates comments in bash - lines starting with # are ignored. Remove the # from the start of the lines which include the word 'logfile', i.e. lines 7, 8, 26, 52. Then go to line 47 - comment out (i.e. insert a # at the beginning of) the next three lines: #KEYS="<Esc>:${LINENUM}<Return>${STARTPOS}|" #gvim --remote $FILENAME #gvim --remote-send $KEYS and add this line: emacsclient --no-wait +${LINENUM}:${STARTPOS} $FILENAME Save the file. In your terminal window, enter the following: touch ~/textedit_url.log tail -f ~/textedit_url.log Then open a lilypond pdf in evince, and try clicking on one of the notes. There should be some output in the terminal window which is logging the script, and hopefully emacs should open. Let us know how you go. (An excellent introduction to Bash scripting is here: -- Mark Knoop _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list