Hi Tao,

Now, where would I have to put the commands inline?
Directly before the \repeat volta or inside?
Because I don't want to change the whole file.

In Lilypond, (nearly) every tweak has to be placed *immediately* before the item you're tweaking. In this case, it means just before the \alternative (which is where the VoltaBracket begins) -- see code, below.

Also, it appears that you want a "pickup" bar, but you're not using \partial -- you should look for that in the documentation.

Best regards,

\version "2.11.23"

voltaFix =
        \once \override Score.VoltaBracket #'padding = #6
        \once \override Score.VoltaBracket #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -3)

theMusic = \relative c''''
        \repeat volta 2
                <fis,,, d a>16 <fis d a>8 <fis d a>16 <a e a,>4 |
                <d g, d>16 <d g, d>8 <d g, d>16 <e g, e>4 |
                <fis fis,>16 <g g,>8 <gis gis,>16 <a a,> <d d,>8 <c c,>16 |
                <b b,>16 <g g,>8 <a a,>16 <b fis b,>4 |
                r16 g8 a16 b fis'8 e16 |
                d16( cis8) fis,16 a( g8) dis16 |
                fis16( e8) b16 d( cis8) g16 |
                <b fis>16( a8) fis16 d b8 a16 |
                <fis' d a>16 <fis d a>8 <fis d a>16 <a e a,>4 |
                <d g, d>16 <d g, d>8 <d g, d>16 <e g, e>4 |
                <fis fis,>16 <g g,>8 <gis gis,>16 <a a,> <d d,>8 <c c,>16 |
                <b b,>16 <g g,>8 <a a,>16 <b fis b,>4 |
                g'16 fis8 e16 d cis8 b16 |
                d16( fis,8) g16 gis a8 ais16 |
                cis16( b8) fis16 a( g8) e16 | \voltaFix
                { d4 <d' a fis d> }
                { d,4 r16 f8 cis?16 }


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