There shouldn't be any need for the extra-offset property in this situation. What I always use is
\override Staff.VoltaBracket #'minimum-space = #8
Replace the 8 by whatever suitable value, the default value is 5.


Quoting Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello Tao:

The bracket from the first ending is placed vertically higher than
the bracket from the second ending, to not collide with the notes in that bar.
Does anyone have a solution for me?

Without you having posted your code, we can't see the problem ourselves. Regardless, I've always been able to fix similar problems with

    \once \override Staff.VoltaBracket #'padding = #6
    \once \override Staff.VoltaBracket #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -4)

where the #6 and #'(0 . -4) can be changed to fit a given situation.

Hope this helps!

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