plasmacarwash <creamtowney <at>> writes:

> Hey people,
> I'm a newbie and I'd like to create a blithe score of quarter notes purely
> for practice from middle c up an octave and half to g.
> I'm learning guitar and need copious amounts of notes.
> When I attempted to do it manually with just jEdit (not using lilypondtools)
> I have two problems:
> My (.PDF) measures spread the quarter notes over the width of the Sahara.
> They don't come out "tight" like the tutorial. And two:

The way to make the notes tight is to set a layout block with

ragged-right = ##t

at the top of your score.

> I made all my notes 4 to 5 octaves high -"dog" whistle-register.

Since you want to produce random notes, you don't know how relative will work
(you aren't tracking whether a note is less than a fifth away from the previous
note), so I'd recommend you use absolute notation, with notes ranging from c' to
g' and a'' to g''.

Here's a simple test I made that shows how things work.

\version "2.10.19"

\layout {
        ragged-right = ##t

\score {
        {c'4 d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g''}

BTW, if you're using Jedit and not Lilypondtool, you're working a lot harder
than you need to.

Carl Sorensen

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