sure, below, it's not exactly a little bit of code but it shows my
problem, at least to me.
On Apr 25, 2007, at 7:39 PM, Dominic Neumann wrote:
could you please post a minimal examples meaning reduced to the
minimum by still reproducing your "error"?
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\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice {
\repeat unfold 4 {
s4*6 \bar ":" s1 \bar ":" s1 \bar "|" s4*6 \bar ":" \break s1 \bar
":" s1 \bar "||"
\new Voice { \relative a' {
\time 28/4
\set Staff.keySignature = #'(
f'4. e8 f4 g8 a g8. f16 e8 f e4 d r4 e8 f e4 d4 e8. d16 c8 bes c4 r4 d8
e d c d4 a'16 g a8
g8. f16 e8 f e4 g16 f g8 f2 c4 f4 f8 g f e e f e d e d c bes c4 d r4 c8
d c4 bes bes8 a a g f4 bes r8 a16 bes c8 bes a4 g8 a g8. f16 e8 f e4 g8
e f4. g'8 f4 g
g8. f16 e8 f e4 f g r4 g8 a g f g a16 bes a8 g g f f e f4. a!8 g4 a! a8
bes! a g g a g f f g f e e f e d d16 c d! e d8 c c2 r4 bes8 c d e d c c
d c bes c4 d r4 c8 d c4 bes bes8 a a g f4 bes r8 a16 bes c8 bes a4 g8 a
g8. f16 e8 f e4 g8 e f4. a'8 g4 a
title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "Times Bold") \fontsize
composer = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "Times Bold") \fontsize
#-1.0 "MÜZİK : Neyzen Dede Salih Efendi (1818-1888)"}
meter = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "Times Bold") \fontsize
#-1.0 "USÛLÜ : Devr-i Kebîr"}
tagline = ""
copyright = ""
\end {document}
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