As you correctly have observed, lilypond-book does not cake between-system-space or between-system-padding into account when generating the scores. Instead, every score line is included into the LaTeX document as a separate EPS file and the only extra spacing between the lines is the same line spacing as is used in the rest of the document. One solution if you want to increase the spacing, is to define the LaTeX function \betweenLilyPondSystem which is called between each system. See the

Another solution, which works as long as your full score fits on a single page,
is to enclose the full score within a \book block, i.e.

\begin {lilypond}

\version "2.10.20"

If you do that, then the full score will be included into the LaTeX document as a single EPS file, and LilyPond will take the \paper{...} variables into account as


Adam Good wrote:
Basically it comes down to something like this, if I take Lilypond code that works for me, then use the same code in LaTeX, my spacing gets all goofy.

It seems that Latex is doing some automatic margin stuff that ends up kicking lilypond code out of place.

how do I come up with something like a neutral Latex document that won't affect any of my Lily coding?

any ideas would be so appreciated.

The last code I stuck in is a perfect example. take out the lilypond code, compile it in Lilypond and compare to what gets compiled in Latex. You should see what I mean.


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        Signal Processing
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