for some parts of an explanation. When it comes to using identifiers such as

mymelody = \relative c' {
c2 e | g e | c1 |
\new Voice = "verse" \repeat volta 2 {c4 d e f | g1 | }
a2 b | c1}

mymainlyrics = \lyricmode {
do mi sol mi do
la si do }

the main thing is to remember that these more or less work as cut and
paste, i.e. having
 \new Lyrics = "mainlyrics" \lyricsto melody \mymainlyrics
is the same as
 \new Lyrics = "mainlyrics" \lyricsto melody \lyricmode {
   do mi sol mi do
   la si do }


Christopher A. LaFond wrote:
Has anyone written a detailed explanation of the code for divisi lyrics? I
have studied the example in the manual, and while I can cut and
substitute, I just don't understand it well enough to adapt it more
thoroughly for what I'm doing. The example in the manual gives everything
in the score section, but that's not the way most files are set up.

Here is the code in the manual:

You can use this trick to display different lyrics for a repeated section.
\score{ <<
\new Voice = "melody" \relative c' {
c2 e | g e | c1 |
\new Voice = "verse" \repeat volta 2 {c4 d e f | g1 | }
a2 b | c1}
\new Lyrics = "mainlyrics" \lyricsto melody \lyricmode {
do mi sol mi do
la si do }
\context Lyrics = "mainlyrics" \lyricsto verse \lyricmode {
do re mi fa sol }
\new Lyrics = "repeatlyrics" \lyricsto verse \lyricmode {
dodo rere mimi fafa solsol }


--          °
Chris    °

Christopher A. LaFond  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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