
I have reworked the "ly" file taking into account what I learned from the user 
guide section devoted to "divisi lyrics".

Additional question.

I have found out how to align some particular lyrics to some particular parts 
of the music expression by using divisi lyrics

I have found out how to change colors and how to revert to the previous 
settings for the "split part" and how to make the main part transparent.

However, I'm still wondering how to avoid that the dot appears twice on the 
score (once for the main music expression and once for the "split part")

Second question : would it be possible (by using the override command?!?!) to 
change the color of this dot?

Thanks a lot

Pierre M.

\version "2.10.10"
\score {
\new Voice = "melody" \relative c'' { 
\clef treble
\key g \minor
\time 3/4
s4. g8 g a | 
{ \voiceOne
\override NoteHead #'color = #red
\override Stem #'color = #red
\override Beam #'color = #red
bes4 bes4. bes8 |
\new Voice = "splitpartA" {\voiceThree 
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
\override Beam #'transparent = ##t
bes4 bes4. bes8 |}
\revert NoteHead #'color 
\revert Stem #'color 
\revert Beam #'color 
bes4 a bes8 c | d4 c a8 bes | 
{ \voiceOne
\override NoteHead #'color = #blue
\override Stem #'color = #blue
\override Beam #'color = #blue
a4 c bes8
\new Voice = "splitpartB" {\voiceThree 
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
\override Beam #'transparent = ##t
a4 c bes8}
\revert NoteHead #'color 
\revert Stem #'color 
\revert Beam #'color 
a | 
g4 fis4. g8 | 
bes 4 c bes8 a | g4 fis4. g8 | g4 d d8 d | g4 fis4. g8 | bes4 c bes8 a | g4 
fis4. g8 | g4.  \break g8 g a | 
\new Lyrics = "testLyrics" \lyricsto splitpartA { three red notes }
\context Lyrics = "testLyrics" \lyricsto splitpartB { three blue notes }
\layout { }

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