On 3/13/07, Maximilian Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The response lyrics are supposed to begin with a special text symbol
>>> that is a capital 'R' that has a slash through it.  Does anyone
>>> know of a lilypond or LaTeX symbol that does this?
>> I've looked for such a thing in the past without success.
> The symbol is contained (apparently) in the Apple Symbol font, and is
> identified by the following:
> Unicode: 211F
> UTF8: E2 84 9F
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (all of which is probably of little help- sorry!)

Well, at least it helped me to get it working. ;)

If you use an editor that is unicode-aware you can simply insert the
corresponding symbol wherever it is needed and rely on lilypond to do
the rest. Of course, the precise process depends on the editor. In my
quick test I used emacs where you can enter any symbol using its hex
unicode value. Because of some weird setting that had messed up my meta
key I had to include the line

   (define-key global-map [?\C-c ?u] #'ucs-insert)

in my .emacs file. Then typing CTRL-C, U, 211F resulted in the symbol
being inserted. (Only a white box was shown in emacs itself but
compiling with lilypond and viewing the pdf file worked just fine).

If you use another editor and cannot figure it out yourself, maybe other
users know how to do it.

And, FWIW, Mark Knoop recently pointed out that Unicode entry in vim
is ctrl-v u211f, for example, all while in insert mode.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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