As has already been mentioned numerous times, any UNICODE character can be 
easily used in a ly file.  Simply place such a character in any context where 
LP expects a string (to keep things clean, I usually try to put the special 
characters in quotes as in \markup {"?"}).

As has also been mentioned, this requires the use of a text editor that 
supports UTF-8 file encoding.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of David Gippner
Sent: Wed 3/14/2007 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: response character

> The response lyrics are supposed to begin with a special text symbol
> that is a capital 'R' that has a slash through it.  Does anyone
> know of a lilypond or LaTeX symbol that does this? 
There is such a possibility with a LaTeX Macro in opusgre (for this, you 
must have installed and compiled opustex with opusflex). it simply goes 
\s{R} and does also function with \s{V} or any other Character.

I just haven't got any idea, if this could be used in lilypond. Is this 
generally possible?


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