2007/3/3, Trevor Bača <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 3/2/07, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trevor Bača wrote:
> > On 3/2/07, Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> That's it for tricks currently in use, I think.  This is with 2.11.20,
> >> by the
> >> way; earlier versions may need other tricks...
> >
> > Can these please go into the manual under vocal music?
> Short answer: the fastest way of getting these into the manual is for
> somebody to add them to LSR.  When 2.11.21 comes out, they'll be in the
> list:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.11/input/lsr/vocal/collated-files

That's fine, but if I want to do that with each setting, I also need
to write a small example around it.  Between a day job, a 13 months
old son, a wife, a choir and scores of scores to typeset, I don't
really have the time.  So if someone wants this in the form of small
snippets, please go ahead and write the small snippets :-)

> Long answer:  (not directed at you, Trevor; you know this already)
> Sure!  Just as soon as somebody takes a look at
> http://lilypond.org/web/devel/participating/documentation-adding
> and sends me some instructions.

Could you wrap an introduction and conclusion around your common vocal
settings, pick a place for the new section to go in the manual, and
then send to Graham? Like Graham, I don't do vocal music, but your
common settings form a cool pattern.

The same more or less applies here.  I can transform what I wrote into
a section, but it won't have many pretty pictures in it...

What I *can* do is write a section (for chapter 7.3) and include either

- a template with these settings put in, or
- a full, working example (say, a two-page male choir piece by Grieg)

More generally to everybody, seems like it would be nice if we could
encourage expert users in different domains to contribute something
like a set of "common settings I use when engraving blah type of
music", and send these to Graham for inclusion in the relevant section
or sections of the manual.

I think that's probably a good idea, although it may be more relevant
for either the LSR or (gasp!) the mailing list...


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