Not sure if this is a bug or not. It's been popping up since 2.11.15 or so, and is still here in .17. I'll refrain from posting an example until requested.

This is pass one of the two-pass vertical spacing process. Note that if I just run it without the first pass in lilypond there are no crashes.

spamguy$ /Users/spamguy/ lilypond -dbackend=null -d dump-tweaks

[lots of interpreting, petty warnings, etc; nothing unusual]

MIDI output to `x.midi'...
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-padding
warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-padding
/Users/spamguy/ current/scm/layout-page-dump.scm:123:36: In procedure - in expression (- space-left stretch): /Users/spamguy/ current/scm/layout-page-dump.scm:123:36: Wrong type argument in position 1: #f

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for wild monkeys
but find only squirrels
                       _   |  WILL ORAM
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(ABOVE: Magnetic poetry #7)

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