Bert wrote: 

> >>>       
> >> Yes! And it *works* !
> >>
> >> Rutger
> >>
> >>     
> >
> >   
> voiceFive = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 4) 'Voice)
> << { \voiceOne g''4 ~  \stemDown g32[ f( es d c b a b64 )g] } 
> \\ { \voiceThree  b4} \\ { \voiceFive d,} \\ { \voiceTwo g,}\\>>
> Bert

I tried the code and found that it worked, but voiceFive has extra
horizontal shift (i.e. \shiftOnn), so the b and d didn't line up
perfectly.  Then I tried making the b and d a chord in voice 3, and
found that it worked as well.  So this code provides output that is
_very_ close to the scan that was provided.

%Begin Lilypond Code

#(set-global-staff-size 17)
%     \version "2.10.7"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")

voiceFive = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 4) 'Voice)

\header {
        title = \markup \center-align  \italic { "Sonata 1ma a Violino
Solo senza Basso di J. S. Bach"} }

     melody = \relative c' {
        \clef treble

        \key g \minor

        \time 4/4


<< { \voiceOne g''4 ~  \stemDown g32[ f( es d c b a b64 )g] } \\ {
\voiceThree  <b d,>4} \\ { \voiceTwo g,}\\>>
%<< { \voiceOne g''4 ~  \stemDown g32[ f( es d c b a b64 )g] } \\ {
\voiceThree  b4} \\ { \voiceFive d,} \\ { \voiceTwo g,}\\>>
%               << { g''4 ~  \stemDown g32[ f( es d c b a b64 )g] }\\{
b4}\\{d,}\\{ g,}\\>>

                <<  { c'4} \\ \\ { \tieDown g8[ fis~] fis32[ \slurDown
e( d e fis g a c64 b)]} \\ { a,4 } >>
                 << {fis''4} \\ {\voiceThree \slurDown c8[( c32) \slurUp
d64( c b32 c] \stemDown c16.\trill b64 c d16 a)} \\ {\voiceFour d,8}


 \score {
        \new Staff \melody
        \layout { }

%End Lilypond Code


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