Dear all,

Is there anyone who could give me some help me with the file below?
For some reason, Lilypond creates an unwanted clef and time signature
(without a staff) above my setting of two voices on one staff. What did I do
Also, would you have any clue why the fermatas in the lower part won't go
below the notes?

Many thanks in advance,


\version "2.10.0"

  tekst = \lyricmode { Bez kor -- y -- sti be -- zo lzhi, ty be -- zo lzhi!
                       V_krep -- koy pra -- vde pos -- lu -- zhi!, ty pos -- lu 
-- zhi!
                       Bez kor -- y -- sti be -- zo lzhi
                       V_krep -- koy pra -- vde, v_krep -- koy pra -- vde pos 
-- lu --
                       V_krep -- koy pra -- vde pos -- li -- zhi! }

  global = {
    \time 2/4
    \key es \major
  Vanya = {
        r8  es4->^\markup{\italic {con forza}} c16[( d]) es[( g]) f[( es])
d[( c]) f[( es]) d8  r16
        bes16-. es8-. g8-. bes8-. r8 r4
        r8 es,4-> c16[( d]) es[( g]) f[( es]) d[( c]) f[( es]) d8  r16
        bes16-. es8-. g8-. bes8-. r8 r4
        r8 g4-> g16[( f]) es[( d]) es[( f]) g[( f]) g[( a]) bes4. r8
        r4 f8 bes8 d8^\fermata bes16 r16^\fermata
        g8-> bes-> es,-> g-> c,-> es-> a,4 r4
        es'4. c32[( d es f]) g8 f16[( es]) d[( es]) c[( d]) bes8 r8 r4
   Susanin = {
        r8  c4-> a16[( bes]) c[( bes]) a[( g]) f[( es]) d[( c]) bes8  r16
        bes'16-. g8-. es8-. bes8-. r8 r4
        r8  c'4-> a16[( bes]) c[( bes]) a[( g]) f[( es]) d[( c]) bes8  r16
        bes'16-. g8-. es8-. bes8-. r8 r4
        r8 es'4-> es16[( d]) es[( d]) c[( b]) c[( d]) es8 d4. r8
        r4 d8 d8 bes8_\fermata d16 r16_\fermata
        es8-> d-> c-> bes-> a-> g-> f4 r4
        c'4. a32[( bes c d]) es8 d16[( c]) bes[( g]) a[( f]) d8 r8 r4
        \new Score << 
          \new Staff \relative c'' { 
            \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{ \column{ {\small \smallCaps 
{\small \smallCaps Sus} } }
            \clef treble
              \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \Vanya }
              \new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \Susanin }
          \new Lyrics \lyricsto soprano {\tekst}

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