Ander D'nar wrote:
I have a solo voice score. It has two sections. The first section has two
verses. The first verse has its own ending and the second verse also has its
own ending, which comprises the rest of the song. The second section has a DS
al coda. I need help with organizing this arrangement; where do all these
pieces go?
You can find examples of the repeats in the section on
"Repeat syntax" and on DS al coda in the section on
"Text marks". Finally, the section on "Divisi lyrics" describes
how to align the lyrics correctly to the two endings.
Putting the pieces together, you could end up with
something like:
\version "2.10.0"
\new Voice = song \relative c'{
\repeat volta 2 {
% First section:
c d e f |
% First ending:
\new Voice = firstending {g f e d |}
% second ending:
{g a b c |}
% Second section:
a g f e |
d d g2 |
% Trick to print the text at the end of the line and
% right aligned
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility =
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
\mark "DS al coda"
\bar "|."
\new Lyrics <<
\lyricsto song { Here's the first verse }
\lyricsto firstending { with first end -- ing }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto song {Here's the next verse with next end -- ing
and a con -- ti -- nu -- a -- tion }
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