On Monday 01 January 2007 20:57, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Frédéric Chiasson wrote:
> > Might it be possible to use
> >
> > \tuplet 3:2 {x x x}
> >
> > for the usual operation, and if we want to have many tuplets of the
> > same kind, to use
> >
> > \tuplet 3:2 { {x x x} {y y y} {z z z} }
> >
> > Might resolve the clarity problems.
> Since it's easy to define your own function \triplet which
> does the equivalent of \tuplet 3:2 ..., and since you could
> give it a short name like \t, your proposal wouldn't save
> much typing or increase the clarity compared to
> \t {x x x} \t {y y y} \t {z z z}
> In these situations with repetitive triplet patterns, I definitely
> prefer the current kind of solution with
> \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)

There is one problem with this: If the 'most common' tuplet duration is 1/4, 
but you occasionally have a different tuplet with _longer_ duration, then 
tupletSpannerDuration will break the long tuplet into several shorter 
durations, unless you always remember to \unset tupletSpannerDuration all the 

So, in irregular, tuplet-intensive music it may be sensible to create a music 
function for sequences of tuplets. In addition, it's IMHO a more 
lilypondesque solution than tupletSpannerDuration, once we support fractions 
as music function arguments.


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