On 12/26/06, Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(Joe, I respect your privacy, of course, but I notice that you sent this
message to me alone.)

Oops, I just clicked the wrong button.

Are you not one of the core developers of LilyPond?

It seems I am gradually becoming one.

I'm not, at least yet, sold on the wiki thing, probably because I don't
really know or understand it. Allow me to take some time to get acquainted
with that kind of thing.

If you like, I can try to get it going by putting up the first part of your
tutorial. I also have very little experience with wikis but I don't believe
they are very difficult to use.

I do have lots of small questions, of course. Speaking of wich, maybe you
can help me here. I want to put "Fine" and "Da Capo al Fine" in a piece, and
use a single numeral time signature in another. If you know how to insert
the magic words, I would send the little files to you. And please believe
that I have read the manual. I just didn't get it.

These are really questions for the user list. But since I know the answer to
the first question, I'll give an example:

\version "2.10.0"

\relative {
 \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
 c d e f g a b c\mark "Fine" \bar "||"
 c b a g f e d c
 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #all-visible
 \mark "D.C. al Fine"
 \bar "|."

Note that I need to override break-visibility because by default,
RehearsalMarks are only visible at the beginning of a line or in the middle,
but not at the end. For the first override, try changing it to CENTER or
LEFT to see its effect.

Am 26/12/2006 um 20:19 schrieb Joe Neeman:

On 12/26/06, Manuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am 26/12/2006 um 18:41 schrieb Joe Neeman:
> > Our documentation guru is also our bug meister
> Who is he?

Graham Percival

>  the interference of any of the developers.
> But that's part of my point. I write "do this for that purpose", then
> somebody else suggests a change, and so forth. But will it really
> work always? How do I know? I need and want the developers.

Judging by your work so far, you don't really need the developers at every
step along the way. It's probably good to have a developer look at the
tutorial from time to time, but you really don't want to involve one for
every small change.

If you have a small question, just ask on the user list. The developers
read the list anyway, so if a user doesn't answer your question, a developer
can. If you want Graham or some other developer to review the entire
tutorial, you can ask him. But be prepared to wait for a while; I happen to
know that he has a backlog of bugs he is currently dealing with.

For what it's worth, I think the opinions of new users are more important
than the opinions of the developers, especially on tutorial material. The
developers already know how LilyPond works so they're unlikely to find any
tutorial confusing, even if it explains things very badly.

By the way, if you use the wiki, it's much easier for people to
error-check new material. You can view the history of a page and compare any
two versions. Thus if you make some series of changes, you can ask on the
list for people to error-check the changes between 1 January 2007 and 13
February 2007 at 2:00 pm. Then they can quickly pull up a summary of what
has changed between the two versions and error-check the changes without
reading the whole tutorial.

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