>>>>> "Arvid" == Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Arvid> Laura Conrad <lconrad <at> laymusic.org> writes:
    >> Has anyone figured out a way around this?

    Arvid> A workaround, yes:

    Arvid> For each EPS file, between running lilypond-book and tex,
    Arvid> replace the first (and negative) number in the BoundingBox
    Arvid> comment with 0.

Thanks, that works.  

    Arvid> Yes, it's an ugly hack.  Here's why it works:

    Arvid> Lilypond-book produces EPS files where some point on the left edge of
    Arvid> the staff has coordinates (0, 0).  The first 0 here would be an ideal
    Arvid> candidate for horisontal aligment within the TeX file.

    Arvid> Some stuff extends to the left of this: bar numbers, most notably.

I wondered whether this was the problem.

    Arvid> Now, I guess lilypond-book could be modified to give an
    Arvid> explicit *and deliberately misleading* BoundingBox argument
    Arvid> to the \includegraphics command in order to get the correct
    Arvid> placement without compromising the EPS file.  That would,
    Arvid> IMHO, be a better and more permanent solution.

I agree that we need a better solution.  Ideally, it would be one that
would have a better connection to the way LaTeX thinks about the
world, but I'd settle for anything that means I don't have to maintain
my script that does your sed.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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