Holly Briscoe <areyouhungrydear <at> earthlink.net> writes:

>          \new Lyrics = "sopranoWords" { s1 } % this line puts the "thee" [...]
>          \new Staff = women <<
>             \new Voice = "women" { << \womenMusic >> }
>          >>
>          \new Lyrics = "women" { s1 }
>          \new Lyrics = "altoWords" { s1 }
>          \new Staff = men <<
>             \new Voice = "men" { << \menMusic >> }
>          >>
>          \new Lyrics = "men" { s1 }
>          \context Lyrics = women \lyricsto sopranoMusic \sopranoWords

Here's your problem: You need to say:

         \context Lyrics = sopranoWords \lyricsto sopranoMusic \sopranoWords

...to place the lyrics in the correct context.  When you tell them to use
the "women" context, they will.  :-)

For some reason, I didn't get a lyrics extender here.  This may have to
do with there being nothing after the notes in the sopranoMusic voice,
but I don't know why that doesn't work.  I'm using 2.8.1, FWIW.

>          \context Lyrics = women \lyricsto women \womenWords
>          \context Lyrics = women \lyricsto altoMusic \altoWords
>          \context Lyrics = men \lyricsto men \menWords

Also, you may consider having an explicit bassMusic in the same way,
but that will be easier now that you get the sopranoWords working.
Anyway, your menWords is empty.

As for your missing lyrics extender, I can't reproduce that with a simple
example, but I get strange results (i.e. an overly long extender) with the
following short example:

\version "2.8.1"

testlyrics = \lyricmode {
  test. __

\score {

  \context Score <<

    \new Staff \relative c'' {
      c d e r
        { \new Voice = foo 
          \relative c'' {
          \voiceOne  \slurUp
            c4 ~ c ( d c )
        { \voiceTwo R1 }
      r4 e f r | c e g c
    \context Lyrics = bar \lyricsto foo \testlyrics
  \layout {}



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