Quoting Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Holly Briscoe wrote:
[I'm not sure how to reply in the thread, since there's no "reply link" in the thread itself--at least the way I'm looking at it, which is simply by using Mozilla Firefox and the page's web address. So this continuation of the thread may not be attached properly--my apologies. I couldn't find a howto for the list anywhere that explained responding to a thread. -HB]

ARVID replied:

         \context Lyrics = women \lyricsto sopranoMusic \sopranoWords

Here's your problem: You need to say:

        \context Lyrics = sopranoWords \lyricsto sopranoMusic \sopranoWords

...to place the lyrics in the correct context.  When you tell them to use
the "women" context, they will.  :-)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! I thought the first item after the equals sign was the name of the STAFF that the lyrics were supposed to be attached to.
It would be great if someone who knows could clear up the documentation
as to what values go with which variables and which are the variables.
I still guess and use trial and error when I do anything other than
simple lyrics.  Examples are great when they are obvious but the lyrics
and voice examples are not obvious to me.

Have you looked at section 9.2 of the latest version of the manual for the development version? Exactly which part of the documentation
did you have in mind for clarifications?


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