Also make sure you are aware of the system-count property available. 
Generally I set the between-system-padding to 1 (to negate it) then just
adjust the between-system-space and system-count parameters until the music
is nicely flowed down the whole page.  (between-system-padding comes into
play more on subequent pages)

try/experiment with these parameters added to the \paper and \layout blocks:

\paper {
between-system-padding = #1
between-system-space = #10 % adjust to taste

\layout {
ragged-right = ##f
ragged-last = ##f
ragged-bottom = ##t
ragged-last-bottom = ##t
system-count = #5 % adjust to taste

Adjusting these settings you will discover the point where it "pops" onto 2
pages, then just back off from there to get it all on one page.  (of coure
if staff and font sizes allow it all on one page)


OnionRingOfDoom wrote:
> When I added the title of the piece in what used to be a single page of
> music, lilypond decided to split the piece into two pages with each line
> of music being spaced very far apart. Previously I had been using this
> code in order to squeeze as much as I could onto one page without being
> too crowded:
> \paper {
>   between-system-padding = #1
>   ragged-bottom=##f
>   ragged-last-bottom=##f
> }
> Now that this method has failed, is there any other way to ensure that my
> music stays on a single page?

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