Just replace your \stemUp \shiftRight with \voiceThree.
Actually, I think the result looks even better if you use \voiceTwo
instead, but you probably have a good reason to let the stems point
up. Read also about \shiftOn, \shiftOnn, \shiftOnnn and \shiftOff
in the manual. The difference between \voiceOne and \voiceThree
is that the latter also does \shiftOn.
Kilian A. Foth wrote:
Hello list,
here is a snippet I've been inputting where I can't seem to move a
colliding note away:
shiftRight = { \once \override NoteHead #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 0)
\once \override Stem #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 0) }
\score {
\relative c'' {
fis8.\tieDown d16~<d f>8.g16gis8.a16c8. \tieUp <d,a'd>16~ |
\once \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((2 . -1) (7 . 1) (10 .
<d a'd>1~ |
\once \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((2 . -1) (10 . 1))
<< { <d d'>1~ |
\once \override TieColumn #'tie-configuration = #'((2 . -1) (12 . 2))
<d d'>2r } \context Voice="1"
{ \stemUp \shiftRight gis8 a16gis a gis a gis \tieUp a2~ | a2 } >>
As you see, I've managed to position all ties so that they look best,
and even tied the first chord to the corresponding split voices. But
the first g sharp pokes its stem right through the whole note. I've
tried to move it away with extra-offset, but that leaves the beam
looking wrong.
The manual says one should use force-hshift in this situation, but
overriding the force-hshift for the g sharp has no effect. Is that
because the d and the g sharp are in different voices? How do I make
them aware of each other? Alternatively, how does one override a beam
to be shorter at one end?
Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
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