I have some question about the tag command.
Here is what I would need and I'm not sure whether it
is even possible (so far I haven't been succesfull
trying to make it work):

Let's say I have 4 different tags: one, two, three and
four. The expressions tagged #'one and #'two are
mutually exclusive, they won't ever appear together in
the output. The same goes for three and four. But I do
need to combine them (4 scores with tags: one and
three, one and four, two and three, two and four) I
tried something like

\keepWithTag #'one \keepWithTag #'two ...music... 

but it doesn't seem to work

Another question: Is it possible for the tagged
expressions to be nested, to have a \tag inside of
another tagged expression?

Thanks in advance for all your advice and suggestions.

Jan Janovcik

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